Westbury Arts Centre is pleased to announce that Tendayi Vine is the recipient of our inaugural
Art Craft Technology Place residency.
Raised in Milton Keynes, Tendayi is a spatial practitioner
currently teaching as a Senior Lecturer at University of the Arts London.
Her work explores landscapes of information and ubiquitous networks
that mediate between the material and ephemeral –
using multimedia processes to dissect and examine the habitats
createdby digital technologies. Alongside her practice,
she works as a designeror events, exhibitions and experiences
across the UK and is currently developing research around the
material history of communication.
Fiona Boundy, Creative and Cultural Manager at MKCC: "Milton Keynes City Council are proud to fund the inaugural Art, Craft and Tech residency at Westbury Arts Centre and thrilled that Tendayi has been appointed as the first artist-in-residence. We look forward to following how the residency progresses over the coming months."
Moira North, Trustee at Westbury Art Centre: “Tendayi’s appointment as our artist-in-
residence is a key development in our plans for the future growth of Westbury.
Tendayi’s multi-media practice blends seamlessly with our long history as the local home for practitioners of fine arts and crafts.”
Over the coming months, Tendayi will be working at Westbury Arts Centre to develop a new work that will be presented as part of the Milton Keynes International Festival 2023 associated programme this July. A collaborative engagement programme will also be delivered by Offset Projects, a Milton Keynes based organisation who champion the agency, energy and ideas of under 25s. For more information visit our NEWS page click here
Tendayi's website
Offset Projects
IF: Milton Keynes International Festival
MK Council
January 2023

In January 2023 Westbury Arts Centre (WAC) shared that supported by Milton Keynes City Council,
WAC was pleased to announce Art, Craft, Technology, Place, a 6-month artist in residency programme to create a new work that will be premiered as part of Milton Keynes International Festival’s associated programme in July 2023. Tendayi Vine (whose profile can be found above) has been selected as the recipient of the inaugural Art, Craft, Technology residency.
More information about the residency, can be found below:
This pilot residency was open to emerging and established artists, working in any discipline, whose practice is pushing boundaries through a creative and experimental use of technology. Westbury Art Centre and project partners are particularly interested in applications that might consider one or more of the following:
The interplay between traditional art and craft processes and new technologies.
Landscape and environmental sustainability.
Site specificity and heritage
Co-designing/co-producing with local communities, particularly under 25s.
Critical perspectives on the role/impact of technology within society.
The offer
£10,000 (inclusive of VAT, fees, travel, accommodation, materials, and equipment to produce a new work)
A free studio space and use of other facilities at Westbury Art Centre
Access to the Maker Space at MK:U
Access to the Hack Space and Facilities at Aiimi
Ongoing support from Pooleyville, Westbury Art Centre, MK International Festival and MK Council Culture Team.
The selection process for this role has been completed in February 2023. If you are interested in Westbury Arts Centre, please follow us on social media and sign up to our newsletter on the homepage of our website click here