Our Permaculture “Planting Up” Project. This community garden on the Westbury site, using the principles of permaculture is here to improve our outdoor space so that it better serves our local community and the natural environment.
Find out all about it and how you can get involved by clicking the link below.

At Westbury Arts Centre there is a well established apiary of honey bees dating back over 25 years run by Mike Bensley who also leads the Bee Group and teaches the Westbury Arts Centre beekeeping course every year. Indeed, the apiary was started by Mike himself all those years ago, shortly after he was called in to relocate a swarm of honey bees who had decided that under the floorboards in the Westbury house was the perfect place to set up home.
Continue reading by clicking the link below.

This group was founded in autumn 2016 so that people who were interested in all branches of textiles could meet weekly to share their skills, learn new skills and gain support and inspiration from one another.
Continue reading by clicking the link below.