Beekeeping Course 2025
Beekeeping Course 2025
A course for Beginners and Improvers.
Available spots
A healthy bee population is essential to human survival, as we rely on them to pollinate our crops and keep the cycle of life going. WHO IS THIS WORKSHOP SUITABLE FOR? The course is ideal for beginners and improvers considering beekeeping, as well as those who would just like to learn about our most important pollinators. ABOUT THE COURSE: At Westbury Arts Centre Beginners and Improvers Beekeeping Course you will be introduced to the essentials of beekeeping by our experienced Beekeeper Mike Bensley. The aim is to offer you an introduction to beekeeping by covering the following themes: apiary hygiene; use of hive tools; manipulation of bees, catching and hiving a swarm; swarm control; making up a nucleus hive; uniting bees; how to take a sample of bees; making up frames and hive parts; extraction and jarring honey; advice on setting up an apiary and all other essentials for beekeeping. The course starts with six evening sessions held indoors, and the remaining sessions held outdoors. Indoor sessions include presentations and demonstrations, and outdoor sessions consist of a hands on experience of handling bees. Please note that outdoor sessions are weather and nature dependent. Please note, there will be no session on Saturday 26th July, however all class participants are invited to volunteer by facilitating Bee Activities during the Annual Bee Event (more details to follow soon). EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: For outdoor sessions you will need: - Wellington boots - Marigold/ rubber gloves - Gaffer Tape - A Beekeeping Suit (will be provided for the duration of the course only), however participants are encouraged to purchase their own, if they wish. More information can be obtained from the course tutor. ABOUT THE TUTOR: Mike Bensley has been keeping bees at Westbury for over 20 years, and for the last few years he has been running intensive Beekeeping Courses at Westbury Arts Centre. These practical courses have provided an in-depth look at bees and how to keep them. Many of Mikes students have gone on to set up there own apiaries and regularly come back to help out. Mike is passionate about bees and is only to pleased to be able to pass on his knowledge to the next generation of beekeepers. LOCATION: The indoor sessions of the course could take place in either the Drawing Room, Legge Room or the Barn. All workshops take place in rooms situated on the ground floor. Accessible parking spaces are available to anyone who requires them.

Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
01908 501214