Will has been a landscape architect for 40 years and a resident of Milton Keynes since 1988. His work has enabled him to combine his long-standing love of the natural world and landscapes with his creative desire to enhance the environment for the benefit of all.
His expertise and environmental sensitivity will assist Westbury in maintaining its special character, profile and sense of place within the community and help to ensure that it remains an attractive destination for visitors.
Will is a creative landscape architect and his design work has won several awards. His professional expertise embraces strategic and landscape planning advice, landscape-led masterplanning and the design and detailing of external hard and softworks for the public realm, green infrastructure, education sites, heritage landscapes and public parks.
Will has been attending workshops and events at Westbury Arts Centre for over ten years and has long valued Westbury as a creative refuge and for its contribution to the Milton Keynes’ art scene and the City’s community. Will has an active interest in the arts, maintaining his love of painting and photography.